GLOD Teatr pod Fonatnna fot.M.KaczynskiCK ZAMEK 6
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GLOD Teatr pod Fonatnna fot.M.KaczynskiCK ZAMEK 13
Homepage / Events / Performances / Hunger


Performance „Hunger” (Poland)

Creators: Teatr pod Fontanną / Theatre Under the Fountain / Centrum Kultury ZAMEK w Poznaniu / ZAMEK Culture Centre in Poznan

Direction and scenario: Janusz Stolarski

Dramaturgy: Renata Stolarska

Music: Paweł Paluch

Stage design: Tomasz Ryszczyński

Video projections: Tomasz Jarosz

Light: Arkadiusz Kuczyński, Jacek Raczkowiak

Cast: Piotr Bekasiak, Tymoteusz Ćwierzyk, Agnieszka Grabia, Krystyna Hercuń-Pilecka, Krzysztof Kowalczyk, Hanna Kubaszewska, Andrzej Nyczke, Paweł Nyga, Sylwia Marciniuk, Michał Przybytkowski, Justyna Romanowska, Robert Siwiak, Urszula Stachowiak, Julia Sobczyńska, Magdalena Treichel, Ewa Zajkowska, Zbigniew Zbitkowski, Jagoda Gruszczyńska, Antonina Stolarska, Felicja Stolarska, Sebastian Sowiński

Production: Centre of Culture ZAMEK in Poznan

Premiere: 22-23.06.2022


Date: 26.08.2022 / Friday

Time: 6 pm

Place: Stage in Art_Inkubator in Art Factory in Lodz

Admission: free, prior booking of free-entrance passes is required

Duration: 60 minutes

Viewers' age: 12+

Performance will be interpreted into Polish Sign Language (PJM)

After the event we invite the viewers to a meeting and discussion with the artists

The discussion will be held in Polish



"If I save one child from starvation today, will my children have to save ten in a dozen or so years?’" - such an entry was posted by an internet user under the announcement of a fundraiser for therapeutic food for children from South Sudan, on the social networking site Facebook. What do you feel when you read such words? One child in the world dies out of hunger every eight seconds. The countdown continues day and night - 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128 - died, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128 - one child… Together with Martin Caparros, who has become our guide on the purgatory planet, we ask ourselves a question: How can we ever live knowing that these things are happening? What strategies do we have to adopt, what excuses to make in order to function "normally": get up in the morning, laugh, watch movies, go on vacation, buy, celebrate… 

We - artists, members of the Teatr pod Fontanną group, with Janusz Stolarski as the director, creators invited to support us with their sensitivity and talent: Tomek Jarosz, Paweł Paluch, Tomek Ryszczyński, Renata Stolarska, people who look after us in terms of organization and technology - cannot live "normally" with such knowledge. We create a theatrical performance looking at the phenomenon of HUNGER in the 21st century on a planet so wonderful, so developed, so modern, so rich! The performance "Głód" is an expression of our disagreement.



Teatr pod Fontanną / Theatre under the Fountain - is an informal theatre group created in 2016 as part of the "Teatr Powszechny" performance program carried out by the ZAMEK Culture Centre in Poznań. It is made up of members of theatrical studios operating at “Domy pod fontanną” - two centers run by the association ‘’Zrozumieć i Pomóc”, dealing with the social and professional rehabilitation of people after mental crises. The group's achievements include four excellent performances sensationally received by the critics and the audience: a delicate, intimate "Nisza", a thrilling “Wesele” - with dancing, live music and Polish people talking about life (the show was in the finals of the "The Best OFF" competition), absurdly abstract, visually and musically beautiful “Fioletowa Krowa” composed of lapidary, humorous poems depicting a bittersweet image of the world and ourselves. The last performance of this group - "Grimm" - won the 2nd prize in the Competition for the Best Independent Theatre Production (2020). In the justification of the jury we read: "... a moving, deep, pure performance, where a fairy tale becomes a story about life. And the narrator, or rather the actor-storyteller, becomes an integral part of this fairy tale. For years, under the guidance of Janusz Stolarski, the group has been producing performances at a very high artistic level, where the lack of an acting diploma becomes a value and gives credibility to the stage message. The performance "Grimm" is dominated by seriousness and a deep need to tell us non-obvious Grimm stories, behind which there are strong and difficult life experiences of the actors. It touches and moves. " 

Janusz Stolarski - artistic supervisor of the group, initiator and director of all Theatre under the Fountain performances. Actor, graduate of the Ludwik Solski Academy for the Dramatic Arts in Kraków. He has performed in: the Second Wrocław Studio, Teatr Państwowy in Kielce, Teatr Polski in Poznań, the Sekta Lech Raczak theatre group, Kochanowski Theatre in Opole, Studio Theatre in Warsaw and Lech Raczak's Orbis Tertius Third Theatre. He has performed as a guest artist in performances of "Don Juan" and "tryptyk wyspiański" at the Stary Theatre in Kraków, "Rzeźnia Lila Róż" by the Usta Usta Theatre, directed by Marcin Liber, and " Przypadki Pana von K." at the Polish Dance Theatre. Since 1994, he has been a co-founder of the ANTRAKT Theatre Association. He has won many prizes for monodramas, including the Grand Prix at the National Festival of One Man Theatre Shows in Toruń (1991) for "Ecce Homo", the special award of the Jury of the Second International Monodrama Festival of the Baltic Countries - Kaunas 2010 for the performance “Kod” and many others. He conducts theatre workshops in Poland and abroad (Germany, Romania, Moldova, Spain, France). He is an actor of the Teatr Ósmego Dnia in Poznań and runs the Teatr pod Fontanną / Theatre under the Fountain at the ZAMEK Culture Centre in Poznań.




Spektakl zrealizowany i prezentowany w ramach projektu performatywnego „Obecność”, przygotowanego przez CK ZAMEK w Poznaniu, we współpracy z norweskim CODA Oslo International Dance Festival oraz warszawskim Teatrem 21, dzięki grantowi z Funduszy Norweskich i EOG. Wspólnie działamy na rzecz Europy zielonej, konkurencyjnej i sprzyjającej integracji społecznej.

Wydarzenie realizowane w ramach programu Przestrzenie Sztuki Łódź - Teatr.
Projekt "Przestrzenie Sztuki" jest finansowany ze środków Ministerstwa Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego, realizowany przez Instytut Muzyki i Tańca oraz Instytut Teatralny im. Zbigniewa Raszewskiego.
Projekt "Przestrzenie Sztuki" dofinansowano ze środków budżetu państwa.
Projekt "Przestrzenie Sztuki" dofinansowano ze środków Urzędu Miasta Łodzi.