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DSC8949 Ragnarok

| PREMIERE | Art Factory in Lodz / CHOREA Theatre / Carte Blanche / dir. Adrian Bartczak | Poland/Norway | *Per­for­man­ce in­ter­pre­ted into Po­lish Sign Lan­gu­age (PJM)


Dra­ma Re­ading Room The­atre / dir. Da­niel Adam­czyk | Poland

fot. Bartek Warzecha 1 Love Affair

dir. Natalia Sakowicz | Poland

DSC 4177 M.Zakrzewski On the other side

Jubilo Foundation / dir. Diego Pileggi | Poland

01 Gestosc zaludnie foto. Piotr Nykowski Population density. The story of an explosion

KANA Theatre / dir. Krzysztof Popiołek | Poland

GLOD Teatr pod Fonatnna fot.M.KaczynskiCK ZAMEK 6 Hunger

The­atre Un­der the Fo­un­ta­in / dir. Janusz Stolarski | Poland | *Per­for­man­ce in­ter­pre­ted into Po­lish Sign Lan­gu­age (PJM)

POLSKA BOVARY EMAIL BOVARY copyright Joanna Lewicka HP 2 BBBB DSC05239 Bovary

| POLISH PREMIERE | From East to the West Fo­un­da­tion / Gost­ner The­atre / dir. Joanna Lewicka | Poland/Germany

22Zlota nic22 pokaz pracy fot.HOLLYBABA 76 Gold thread

| PREMIERE | CHOREA Theatre - Se­nior and Youth Gro­up / dir. Magdalena Paszkiewicz, Janusz Adam Biedrzycki, Wiktor Moraczewski | Poland | *Per­for­man­ce in­ter­pre­ted into Po­lish Sign Lan­gu­age (PJM)

Sklep z dobrym humorem spektakl fot. HOLLYBABA 95 A good humor shop

CHOREA Theatre - Chil­dren's Gro­up / concept: Joanna Filarska / dir. Paweł Głowaty & Children | Poland | *Per­for­man­ce in­ter­pre­ted into Po­lish Sign Lan­gu­age (PJM)

LemvsDick 4 Lem vs. P.K. Dick

Łaźnia Nowa Theatre / dir. Mateusz Pakuła | Poland