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Discussion panel "Ecologies of the Culture"

Discussion panel "Ecologies of the Culture" (Poland)

Leader: Zofia Smolarska

Guests: Joanna Tabaka, Diana Lenonek, Małgorzata Ćwikła, Paweł Błęcki, Wacław Sobaszek, Janusz Adam Biedrzycki


Date: 21.08.2022 / Sunday

Time: 11 am - 2 pm

Place: Room C_101, Art_Inkubator in Art Factory in Lodz

Admission: free

Duration: 180 minutes

Participants’ age: no limitations

Discussion panel will be held in Polish

Discussion panel will be interpreted into Polish Sign Language (PJM)



The reality around us is changing dramatically, the climate around us is in a critical state. Ruined ecosystems, ecological instability, extinction of species, too much exploitation of natural resources are undeniable facts. There is an impasse that requires immediate solutions. The climate crisis brings significant economic, social and political problems. Is it possible to take specific actions to achieve a real turn towards the better? Where are the cultural institutions in all of that? And the most important question is whether they can contribute to changes leading to a better way of thinking about climate and ecology? The undeniable role of contemporary culture is to seek solutions and inspire to oppose the mindless actions of the capitalist economy and over-exploitation of natural resources. People working in the field of culture should activate and inspire communities to care for the relationship between man and nature.  

We invited specialists, practitioners and theorists from various scientific and artistic backgrounds who take action to change the ecological paradigm in cultural institutions - Joanna Tabaka, Diana Lenonek, Małgorzata Ćwikła, Paweł Błęcki, Wacław Sobaszek, Zofia Smolarska. During the panel, we will discuss the topics of building and developing awareness of pro-ecological attitudes in the area of ​​institutional activities and we will consider why institutions of culture should act to protect the environment.



Zofia Smolarska - theatre scientist, social researcher, PhD in arts. The author of the book ‘’Rimini Protokoll. Ślepe uliczki teatru partycypacyjnego”. In 2017-2021, she lectured at The Aleksander Zelwerowicz  National Academy of Dramatic Art in Warsaw. Author of essays, reviews and scientific articles printed, among others, in "Teatr", "Nauka", "Polish Theatre Journal", "Theatre Forum" and "Qualitative Sociology". In her doctoral dissertation, she discussed the topic of social ecology in theatre, examining the creative process from the perspective of craftsmen and other employees of stage design workshops. Together with dr Kamila Lewandowska, she researched the criteria for assessing Polish theatre criticism and the Polish system of higher artistic education.She currently lives in Kraków, working as an editor of the scientific journals "Humanities" and "Social Sciences" at the MDPI publishing house.

Joanna Tabaka - eco-educator, trainer, blogger as well as expert in promotion, voluntary work and audience development in culture. She cooperated with the Capital City of Warsaw Municipal Office in terms of communication of the offer addressed to residents 60+. Double scholarship holder of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage. The author of, among others, the publication "Zielona Instytucja Kultury" about how to become an environmentally friendly place of culture. A lover of bicycles, focaccia and sauna. (more: joannatabaka.pl, Fb and Insta: @ZielonaInstytucjaKultury)

Diana Lelonek - born in 1988. Graduated from the department of Photography in the Faculty of Multimedia Communication at the University of Art in Poznan. Phd at Interdisciplinary PhD Studies, University of Art in Poznan. Diana Lelonek explores relationships between humans and other species. Her projects are critical responses to the processes of over-production, unlimited growth, and our approach to the environment. She uses photography, living matter, and found objects, creating work that is interdisciplinary and often appears at the interface of art and science. She participated in several international biennale, festivals and group shows at: Riga International Biennale of Contemporary Art RIBOCA; Edith-Russ-Haus for Media Art, Oldenburg; Center of Contemporary Art, Warsaw; Kunstraum Niederosterriech, Vienna; Temporary Gallery, Cologne; Ballarat Photography Biennale, Australia; Tallinn Art Hall; Culturescapes Festival, Basel; Musee de l’Elysee, Lausanne.

Małgorzata Ćwikła - PhD in humanities in the field of management science. Professionally associated with the Institute of Culture of the Jagiellonian University. She specializes in the design of the cultural sector, the methodology of qualitative research in management and the mission of culture in the pursuit of zero emission. In recent years, she has worked on research projects aimed at determining the carbon footprint of theatre performances, testing post-humanistic methodological approaches in culture research, and implementing bottom-up co-creation activities related to circular orientation in cultural heritage sites. Editor-in-chief of the scientific journal"Zarządzanie w Kulturze".

Paweł Błęcki - born in Gdańsk. PhD student at the Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków. A graduate of Intermedia at the University of the Arts in Poznań and Photography at the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk. He also studied archaeology and cultural studies and photography at the FAMU Film and TV School in Prague.Photographer, sculptor, author of objects and installations. Initiator of workshop and participation activities. Co-founder of the artistic and research collective Biuro Wspólnej Aktywności, dealing with sustainable production and accessibility in the field of art.

Wacław Sobaszek - co-founder of "Pracownia" in Olsztyn. Since 1982, at the theatre farm in Węgajty, he has been making music, directing, organizing the Festival Theatre Village, writing songs, publishing poems and journals. Co-author of the program: "Żródła i przyszłość 2010 - 2030" 

Janusz Adam Biedrzycki - actor, dancer, choreographer, director, theatre instructor and coach. A graduate of the Faculty of Humanities, specialization: Cultural Studies, Folklore and Ethnology, Theatre Studies and Film Studies at the University of Maria Curie-Sklodowska in Lublin. A graduate of Cultural Management at the Institute of Theory of Literature, Theatre and Audiovisual Arts of the University of Lodz. Co-founder and member of CHOREA Theatre Association. Graduate of 'Educator in the theatre' course, organized by the Zbigniew Raszewski Theatre Institute in Warsaw. Awarded with the scholar of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage in 2010 and 2014 and scholar of the Office of the City of Lodz in 2013 and 2017. Co-author of a textbook titled "Actors physical training. From individual to group actions" (2015), developed in cooperation with the Leon Schiller National Film School in Łódź with the support of Music and Dance Institute. Theatre leader and workshop instructor in the international educational project „TAKE OVER: Seeing young audiences through young people’s eyes” (2015-2017), within the framework of the European Commission’s programme of “Creative Europe” with the participation of British Council. He collaborates with: neTTheatre in Lublin, Pinokio Puppet and Actor Theatre in Lodz, Cinema Theatre in Michalowice and Kana Theatre in Szczecin, Kerning Theatre in Minsk, Earthfall Dance Company form Wales, Teatr Limen in Warsaw, Teatr „A3”, occupational therapy workshops in Świdnik, Social Integration Association, J.J.Lipski University of Science and Technology in Teremiski, Academy of Arts and Culture in Osijek (Croatia), University of Warsaw (Theatre education), Poleski Ośrodek Sztuki (Erasmus+ international project, B.I.G.D.E.A.L.), Butoh master Kan Katsurą (Japan), choreographer and dancer Robert Hayden (USA), and director Dara Weinberg (USA). He has been continually running The Youth Theatre Group under the auspices of CHOREA Theatre since 2014. Experienced in leading theatre and dance workshops all over Poland and abroad. Co-choreographer, co-director and actor in performances: "Roosters, badgers and other goats" (2010), and "Fall - PsychoSomaticGaym" monodrama (2010). Creator and producer of the series of workshops completed by the "The Ugly" performance (2013), created with the participation of youth at the risk of social exclusion. Creator, director and producer of "Vidomi" project and "Vidomi-Continuation" project, which was a series of dance workshops with the participation of blind and visually impaired people, completed by two performances "Vidomi" (2014) and "Darkness. What is hidden" (2017). Originator and director of the performance „The Hive. Secret social life” (2018), created within the framework of the theatre workshop series for the blind and people with visual impairments. Co-creator of the choreography of the performance "Hamlets Case Study" (2017), directed by Waldemar Raźniak and created in cooperation with Teatr CHOREA and National Academy of Dramatic Art in Warsaw. Director of performances: "Right here. Right now" (2019), and “iGeneration?" (2020) performed by the youth theatre group. The project originator and coordinator: „Jak w ulu!” (the series of educational and integration, interdisciplinary workshops organised for the blind and people with visual impairments as well as young animators from the Łódź area, 2018), and three editions of “Laboratorium Kreatywnego Działania” (the series of interdisciplinary training sessions and workshops on theatre studies for teachers, cultural animators, senior citizens and youth, 2019, 2020, 2021).