
Homepage / Events / Meetings
HAWA1375 Discussion panel "Ecologies of the Culture"

le­ader: Zo­fia Smo­lar­ska / gu­ests: Jo­an­na Ta­ba­ka, Dia­na Le­no­nek, Mał­go­rza­ta Ćwi­kła, Pa­weł Błęc­ki, Wa­cław So­ba­szek, Ja­nusz Adam Bie­drzyc­ki | Poland

wls Meeting „Join In!"

leaders: Da­riusz Ko­siń­ski, Ja­cek Głomb / topic: "In­de­pen­dent The­atre of the New World" | Poland

297587436 433606572116964 602634164274347961 n v2 Premiere of the book „Rodowicz-Theatre-Road”

| BOOK PREMIERE | "Ży­wo­sło­wie" Pu­bli­shing Ho­use / au­thor's me­eting with Da­riusz Ko­siń­ski and To­masz Ro­do­wicz | Poland